
Anything which affects human life has its long list of pros and cons. Technology is not immune to it. Although over the past few decades technology has helped in world development exponentially and made our lives easier, it has also,at times, made our lives too easy. Over-exploitation, overuse and over-involvement of products of technology in our lives has so far created major lifestyle issues.

Online payment interfaces (and credit/debit cards before it) were invented as an efficient scam-free, theft-proof mechanism to facilitate payments on a daily basis. They have worked well so far in their purpose and have been widely accepted throughout the world. However, one unforeseen circumstance of this innovation has been the ease of transactions leading to overspending mindsets in a large group of people. Swiping a card at a store or scanning your phone camera on a QR code doesn’t trigger the mind psychologically the same way as pulling out hard cash from the wallet does. Thus, it is encouraged to refrain from creating a habit of overspending using such tech-innovations and bring back the use of cash money as at least a viable secondary mode of payment.

Social media. We could go on and on about it. How great it is as a network to connect with people all across the world. How efficiently and cheaply you can advertise on these platforms. How you can create a career on them showcasing your hidden talents. But also, how the current generation of young adults is addicted to it and spend a major amount of their daily time either on it or thinking about it. On a vacation, the average young adult will spend more time clicking scenic pictures for Instagram rather than actually enjoying the vacation. The addiction to social media has adverse effects on the human mind. The amount of distraction it creates hinders productivity of the person. It is also known to cause various mental health issues. The first and most important step while detoxing from technology is distancing oneself from the black hole of social media.