“The battle”

My self-respect to me–

“Stop..!  That’s enough now..”

( Once upon a time I used to be ‘the Queen’ from this side..  I was the most dynamic , blessed with most of the rights & powers,  and given the headmost position where you, my king,  go. 

But now,  at this point of war, you’re about to loose me..  

This would be an irretrievable loss.  

A loss which you’ll cry hard on

A loss you’ll loose yourself 

A loss no one could afford

No treasure could recover

An irretrievable loss…) 

“Stop here.  Otherwise you’ll regret sacrificing me.”

Me to my self-respect – 

” I‘m the king. Loosing you, my queen, I might win this territory. 

I know I’m being greedy.  My greed will take you away from me. But, I want this territory at any cost.. “


My self respect to me-

” Was my sacrifice an enough bid for that?” 

Me –

” I’ve nothing now..  Neither my treasure(self respect)  nor territory(the one I invested all my emotions in). “


Life of a king without her queen is as worthless as you without your self respect..  

–Loose everything on emotions but not your “self respect”